Usplash design suggestion

Michiel Sikma omega at
Mon May 8 09:03:26 BST 2006

Yeah, that would indeed be nice. Maybe then, if there is no other  
operating system available on the computer, we could autoconfigure GRUB  
to automatically run the default boot procedure rather than showing the  
menu. It's a lot more useful to most people that way.

By the way, I've put down my favorite suggestion in greater detail  

Like discussed on the #ubuntu-devel channel, it's too bad that this  
can't be done before Dapper anymore, but maybe we could get this done  
for Edgy.

Regards, Michiel

James Hall heeft op zondag, 7 mei 2006 om 20:30 (Europe/Amsterdam) het  
volgende geschreven:

> On Sat, 2006-05-06 at 22:52 +0200, Michiel Sikma wrote:
>> _usplash_misc_5.png
>> - Hotkeys that could do something while the system is booting up. I'd
>> prefer this to start the system in safe mode over the boot menu,  
>> personally.
> This is what we should go with. It hides scary text for people that
> aren't bothered about it and has more options for advanced users. I
> think the hot keys should be:
> F1 Help F2 Verbose F3 Boot options
> Help for a bit about the options, the boot process etc..
> Verbose for a terminal with the text that has been removed (other
> bootsplashes also use F2 for this purpose)
> Boot options would give you the ability to boot into safe mode etc.
> Similar to the kind of menu that you get by frantically hitting F8 on
> Windows XP ;).
> I'm not sure if 'Boot options' is technically easy to do, but it's very
> nice to have.
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