inconsistent use of the words "suspend" and "sleep" on the desktop

Matthew East mdke at
Fri May 5 08:19:17 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 00:54 +0200, Sebastien Bacher wrote:
> Le jeudi 04 mai 2006 à 21:37 +0100, Matthew East a écrit :
> > Ok, so on this basis, gnome-power-manager is currently correct, whereas
> > the logout dialogue is incorrect. "Sleep" needs to be changed to
> > "Suspend", and the translators notified. I'll file a bug about this, is
> > someone able to take care of making the necessary changes?
> I'll do the changes after dapper flight7 CD

Thanks Seb! By the way, if you're looking at the strings for the logout
dialogue, the explanation for Suspend is currently that you can press a
key to wake up: this isn't correct on my laptop, perhaps it doesn't
always work? Maybe it would be better to change it to: "Power-saving
mode. You can wake up the computer by pressing the power button."

mdke at
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