Google Summer of Code idea

Jan Wrobel wrobel at
Thu May 4 22:56:55 BST 2006

On Thu, 4 May 2006, James Hall wrote:
> I think that's a truly useful idea, although possibly a little hard to
> implement. Would this transfer WEP keys and dialup telephone numbers? I
> have three network devices - eth0 eth1 + ath0. Would your solution know
> which was which (and my default)?


I think that it is rather impossible to create solution that would
manage to figure out and restore every network configuration that
Windows users may have. But very large percentage of users have some
simple and standard configuration in a standard place. If my solution
helps them it will be worth doing. 

The problem is that it is kind of a project that can not be precisely
designed before implementation. It has to be done in an iterative way
and each iteration should add some small new functionality.  I don't
want to write in a proposal that my program will for example transfer
WEP keys from Windows because I can't tell it for sure at this
moment. I checked out that some drivers store these keys as a plain
text in a registry, some store them encrypted and others store them in
a device memory.  It is hard to tell what is possible to be done with
these keys without a lot of research and trials that are going to be a
part of this project.  I will point out in my proposal which features
I want to implement for sure and which I want to implement but can not
tell now if it is possible.

Thanks to all of you for your feedback,
Jan Wrobel

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