dapper udevd-sysfs lvm problem

Amin Azez azez at ufomechanic.net
Tue Mar 21 09:14:56 GMT 2006

Here are too many bugs to know how to properly file under launchpad, 
diagnosis would be appreciated, then I willproperly file and report.

Just before I upgraded to dapper flight 5 from breezy I installed a new 
300G hard disk using 18 partitions under the same lvm logical volume.

Since upgrading to dapper flight 5 I get on bootup:

  * Setting up LVM Volume Groups [OK]
udevd-event[3677]: wait_for_sysfs: waiting for 
'/sys/devices/platform/i82365,o/bus' failed
  * Starting Enterprise Volume Management System

Also sometimes, the LVM entirely fails to intialize, the cause is 
narrowed down to /dev/hdb21 not being created !!! Fdisk shows it to be 
there and mknod by hand allows lvm to recognize all the volume UUID's 
and complete.

This, combined with the error message above makes me wonder if there is 
a udev race condition that I experience because I have so many partitions.

Also; most times I boot, even after a "clean" shutdown, reiserfs has to 
reply some transactions on either my non-lvm-ext3 home partition or my 
lvm-reiserfs home partition.

Also; with resolvconf (ugh) installed the first time round when my dhcp 
interfaces come up the nameserver address is not written to 
/etc/resolv.conf, seemingly because the ramfs (or whatever) temporary 
resolv.conf is not there, this seems like a boot order problem.


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