Gnome Screensaver issues?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Mon Mar 13 09:24:29 GMT 2006

Am Montag, den 13.03.2006, 02:32 -0500 schrieb Dana Olson:
> I will soon file bugs for Egoboo, bzFlag, Maelstrom, Armagetron,
> Bomberclone, Briquolo, and glTron. I'm only at the Js so far, and I'm
> not testing every single game, only the ones that seemed interesting to
> me. I still have about 35 games to test, as I have only tested 15 so
> far. I am guessing that in the end, I'll have about 25 games or so that
> will have this "bug." Before I start filing, to be sure, you want
> individual bugs filed against the games instead of one bug filed against
> gnome-screensaver... correct?
file them against the app in malone and request a fix in
gnome-screensaver in ubuntu... but please file only bugs against apps
that did work fine with xscreensaver, i wont add featrues (we're past
feature freeze) to apps that didnt handle it before.

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