New theme

John Augustine jaugustine at
Fri Mar 10 17:45:02 GMT 2006

Eric Feliksik wrote:
> George Farris wrote:
>> The new human theme, other than not working correctly 100% of the time
>> such as menus in OpenOffice looks awful orange.  Is there a chance of
>> making it just a little more brown?  Other than that it looks pretty
>> good, just too much orange.
> The title-bar of the windows is a bit too red for me, it's screaming
> for attention. I'd say it should either be lighter (orange) or darker
> (browner).
> The topic bar in yelp is just screaming at me, such a hard tone of
> orange is not really subtle.
> I like the brown, because it was subtle. I like the light-orange
> because it's subtle, but the hard red/orange tones are a bit too much
> for me.
> Maybe this should be on the sounder-list?
> Eric
I dont know how you guys got the new theme to turn orange like that...

But without messing with it (default Human theme) the new theme looks
great IMO.  Prior to this thread, I was using Clearlooks, and switched
back to Human to see how bad it looked (:(), but I think I'm going to
keep it on Human for now.

The new window title bars have a rounded effect and the
mini/maximize/close buttons look much better than before.  Good work on
this change.  Heres a screenie of the theme on my installation

P.S. - Now we just need to make the new logout dialog a little smaller ;)

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