Easy to submit bugs

Josué Alcalde González josuealcalde at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 22:24:26 GMT 2006

A good way to do this:

For users:
- A bug buddy like interface, with a way to select:
  * an application (menu applications or .desktop), product or even a
package (using apt-cache).
  * a category selection (bug, feature...).
  * a description.
  * files.
  *- ...
- This application should send the information to a server using http,
email or anything else.

For developers:
- An interface to check this bugs and confirmed it, correct them or
check if they are already in malone.
- There could be a point-based way to make bugs reliable.
  * a bug which is confirmed by three newer is reliable
  * a bug which is confirmed by a ubuntu-developer is reliable
  * ...
  When a bug is reliable, it is automaticaly added to malone.
- The interface should be able to filter bugs by product,

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