VIM syntax highlighting broken?

Joel Edwards joeledwards at
Sat Mar 4 20:44:13 GMT 2006

The version I have (running breezy) doesn't have syntax enabled by default.
I had to use the "syntax enable" command every time I start up vim.
However, if the command "syntax on" is added to the user's .vimrc file, it
will enable it automatically when it starts. Seems like a more failsafe
method than a symlink. To test if the system supports color:

if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")
 syntax on
 set hlsearch

Could simply include the .vimrc file in each user's profile by default, that
way people don't need to go searching around, or messing with symlinks.

On 3/4/06, Rocco Stanzione <grasshopper at> wrote:
> On Saturday 04 March 2006 07:08, Michael Bienia wrote:
> > Create a symlink vim63 -> vim64 in /usr/share/vim. I've done it some
> > time ago and nearly forgot about this bug.
> > IIRC this is necessary because vim-runtime is installed in
> > /usr/share/vim/vim64 and vim looks for files in /usr/share/vim/vim63
> > because vim --version thinks it's 6.3 (dpkg tells it's 6.4).
> I ran across thus too, but I didn't realize it was a bug or I'd have filed
> a
> bug report.  I "set runtimepath" manually in my .vimrc, which I've kept
> around at least since 6.3, and /usr/share/vim64 wasn't in there.  I added
> it
> and all was well.  Off to launchpad now to see if there's a bug report.
> Rocco
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