Tracker in Edgy?

Jamie McCracken jamiemcc at
Fri Jun 30 20:51:18 BST 2006

John Richard Moser wrote:
> Data journaling does not magically solve anything, it just slows things
> down.  As for meta-data journaling, different implementations have
> different problems; some methods can truncate if you're shrinking a
> file, some methods can zero-fill a file for whatever reason, and some
> will just remove the file.

With FS that support atomic file operations , it gives you protection 
against half written records ( and I presume resizes too else it 
wouldn;t be atomic then!). Updates to a file either happen completely or 
not at all.

To quote Reiser4 : Reiser4 is an atomic filesystem, which means that 
your filesystem operations either entirely occur, or they entirely 
don't, and they don't corrupt due to half occuring. We do this without 
significant performance losses, because we invented algorithms to do it 
without copying the data twice.

This is what Im referring to wrt to making mysql super robust (I presume 
*data* journaling gives you atomic updates). You shouldn't have to worry 
about DBs corrupting with an atomic journalised FS (providing its not 
buggy of course!).

Mr Jamie McCracken

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