Speeding up live cd boot through optimizing file layout

Scott James Remnant scott at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 16 14:48:11 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 09:41 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:

> Daniel Koć wrote:
> > I've noticed something strange with original Ubuntu Dapper LiveCD: 
> > when the system is up and running, I can't get the sound working. It 
> > says the sound deamon is dead.
> >
> > *But* when I did plain remastering (with UCK), which only added all 
> > polish translations, removed all the other translations and sorted the 
> > files on CD by the first access, the sound on the remastered CD 
> > automagically showed up! I think this is thanks to the sorting; the 
> > bug is probably caused by missing the right time frame to access some 
> > files. If the bug has been seen also by other people, then we have a 
> > proof that even just simple CD mastering is error prone. 
> Yes this causes problems for the accessibility tools as well. Some 
> people report that gnopernicus does not speak after boot (with an F5 
> option) while for others it's fine. Logging out and back in fixes it. It 
> seems to me to be a timing issue here as well, and the variability comes 
> from different hardware.
How does gnopernicus cope when there's no sound card when it starts?
Does it hang around until one appears, then start its work (how it
should behave)?

If not, that would explain things -- there's no guarantee that a sound
card is available when GNOME is logged in; just that if a sound card is
available, it will be useful at some point after the system as booted.

Scott James Remnant
scott at ubuntu.com
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