Public Directories
Micah J. Cowan
micah at
Thu Jun 15 06:02:36 BST 2006
On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 02:09:56PM +1000, Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 22:37:40 -0500
> "Christofer C. Bell" <christofer.c.bell at> wrote:
> > > I think a 'common' folder that every user gets full r/w access would
> > > be great idea
> >
> > So why can't people that want it create it?
> >
> > $ sudo mkdir /usr/share/public
> > $ sudo chmod 1777 /usr/share/public
> >
> > Done. Why does this need to come with the operating system's default install?
> But really.... are you serious?
Well, really. If that's so hard, surely one could use Nautilus to
accomplish the same? (Not that I've tried, and at the moment I'm shelled
out from Windows, so can't check it out). If not, I'd surely consider
that a deficciency in Nautilus... And if the "sticky bit" is too
difficult a concept, I'm sure the users that don't know about it don't
care enough about it to need it (especially since, the same scenarios in
which an "everybody" directory would be useful are likely to be the same
ones that are populated exclusively by "friendlies")...
Including it as a default install option seems somewhat silly. Not
everyone is going to want one...
Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer...
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