Installing a compiler by default

Simon Law sfllaw at
Fri Jun 9 18:06:09 BST 2006

On Fri, Jun 09, 2006 at 03:16:16PM +0200, Luca Donetti wrote:
> I don't know if there are technical difficulties (conflicting
> packages, upgrades...) but I think that a possible solution could be
> to install a "fake" gcc (and possibly other tools as "make" etc) that
> only prints a message explaining the proper way (apt-get install
> build-essentials) to install a building enviroment.
> Is it possible to do this in a clean way? Are there problems with this
> approach I am missing?

That's not a bad idea, actually...

Asking the user to kindly "sudo aptitude install build-essential" while
describing why it's not shipped by default would be a good compromise.

The binary shims would then exit(255), so make would fail.  Which is the
expected behaviour.

Simon Law                       

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