Problem with connection

Edir edirps at
Wed Jun 7 01:40:04 BST 2006

Hi, i came here because this problem was happening to Breezy and even to
Dapper i found the same problem again but the change i've made on Breezy is
not working in Dapper. So, as i notice that the ethernet suport in Ubuntu is
a little bit bad i decided to talk to you guys.

The problem is that my connection is breaking all the time. The connection
broke all te time, so i need to poff and pon always to stay connected every
15minutes or less.

In Breezy i changed the /etc/network/interfaces and it works rightly, but in
Dapper i notice that the same lines i had put in Breezy, they are in Dapper
original configuration but in Dapper it not works.

I would like to understand why there is no painel to configurate the
ethernet like others distributions and no way to control the connection!

My configuration:
Ethernet Gigabit - Disabled on BIOS (work on LiveCD but crash after
Ethernet VIA - working only with Gigabit Disabled (in Breezy this not
ADSL Connection
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