Soren Hansen sh at linux2go.dk
Sat Jun 3 21:24:19 BST 2006


It says on the wiki to draw attention to your new specifications, so I'd
hereby like to advertise my "Easy VPN" specification [1]. The
corresponding wiki page is here: [2].

In short, it proposes the inclusion of the vpn plugins from
networkmanager cvs along with a small change to NetworkManager, namely
allowing it to fiddle with /etc/resolv.conf so that VPN support will be

Comments, praises, flames and questions are very welcome.

[1]: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/easyvpn
[2]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyVPN

| Soren Hansen    | Linux2Go                  | http://Linux2Go.dk/ |
| Seniorkonsulent | Lindholmsvej 42, 2. TH    | +45 46 90 26 42     |
| sh at linux2go.dk  | 9400 Norresundby, Denmark | GPG key: E8BDA4E3   |
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