New ZeroConf Spec

Dan Kegel dank at
Thu Jul 27 09:18:11 BST 2006

On 7/27/06, Xavier Claessens <xclaesse at> wrote:
> Lennart Poettering said:
> « Remember: Zeroconf is about Zero Configuration. Requiring the user to
> toggle some obscure configuration option before he can use Zeroconf
> would make it a paradox. Zeroconf was designed to make things "just
> work". If it isn't enabled by default it is impossible to reach that
> goal. »
> That's so true !

I'm getting the distinct impression that everybody on this
list has given up with respect to security, and feels
that if Zeroconf means the system will be insecure,
so be it -- it's so convenient it's worth the increased risk.

Can't say I didn't warn you.
- Dan

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