Accepted epiphany 0.5.1-2.1ubuntu1 (source)

Gauvain Pocentek gauvainpocentek at
Sat Jul 8 18:43:10 BST 2006

Hi Sebastien,

I totally agree. I'll do what's necessary.


Sebastien Bacher a écrit :
> On sam, 2006-07-08 at 17:20 +0000, Gauvain Pocentek wrote:
>>  epiphany (0.5.1-2.1ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low
>>  .
>>    * Merge from debian unstable.
> Hi,
> Could we stop keeping a diff from Debian for a such package? 
> The only change to the Ubuntu package is a .desktop which is added to
> it. That .desktop should really go upstream and we can wait for them to
> ship it with a new tarball to have it for the distribution. If you
> really want to get it shipped with the package before upstream you
> should send the diff to Debian. 
> That way if Debian takes the patch we can have the package in sync and
> reduce the workload, we have better to do than merging again and again
> the same packages for details because we didn't send the change back. 
> Note that shipping a .desktop that way with a package is probably not
> the best idea since we ship it with no translation and that will rather
> the desktop quality for any non-english user...
> Cheers,
> Sebastien Bacher

<gauvainpocentek at>
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