Accepted epiphany 0.5.1-2.1ubuntu1 (source)

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Sat Jul 8 18:42:10 BST 2006

On sam, 2006-07-08 at 17:20 +0000, Gauvain Pocentek wrote:

>  epiphany (0.5.1-2.1ubuntu1) edgy; urgency=low
>  .
>    * Merge from debian unstable.


Could we stop keeping a diff from Debian for a such package? 

The only change to the Ubuntu package is a .desktop which is added to
it. That .desktop should really go upstream and we can wait for them to
ship it with a new tarball to have it for the distribution. If you
really want to get it shipped with the package before upstream you
should send the diff to Debian. 

That way if Debian takes the patch we can have the package in sync and
reduce the workload, we have better to do than merging again and again
the same packages for details because we didn't send the change back. 

Note that shipping a .desktop that way with a package is probably not
the best idea since we ship it with no translation and that will rather
the desktop quality for any non-english user...


Sebastien Bacher

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