Migration Assistant

Jordi Massaguer i Pla jjordicat at yahoo.es
Thu Jul 6 16:39:00 BST 2006

> > Sometimes you can not boot with the CD. It happens
> quite often.
> > ...
> If that's true, then *all* of the installer would
> need to be ported to 
> Windows, not just the migration part. That's quite a
> different problem.

With instlux you do not need to port *all* of the
installer. Actually, instlux does solve that problem.
You can start the installation from windows, by a
simple double-click and using the debian installer at
the CDROM.

Jordi Massaguer Pla
Computer Engineer by the University of Girona

Registered as user #379820 with the Linux Counter, 

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