Mentors for the Ubuntu-Women team

Martin Schmeisser schmeissermartin at
Sun Jan 22 21:53:52 GMT 2006

Joseph Method schrieb:

>Wow. Can we expand this system? Also, doesn't Ubuntu need a youth brigade?
i believe linux is already very popular among young people, i am 16 
years old, no 17 as of yesterday and use ubuntu since wartys first days, 
in my school the percentage of linux users is approximately at 15%...of 
course, everyone who uses linux is "special" and then tells his friends 
about this fancy os that he discovered in the darks of the net...and 
then his friend wants to be special too and WHAM the Ubuntu trap snaps 
and we got one more :-)

so dont worry, the next generation will bring many happy hackers and 
linux users and we will all happily watch proprietary software become 
fewer and fewer

see you then!, Martin

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