Fwd: what is the reason for not making epiphany the default browser?

Quim Gil qgil at desdeamericaconamor.org
Thu Jan 5 11:21:59 GMT 2006

Since Ubuntu is strongly betting on GNOME it would be good to offer
GNOME applications that integrate well with the desktop like Epiphany or
Abiword, Gnumeric... Even when they are less popular, they are lighter
than Mozilla or OpenOffice.org and they may fulfill perfectly the needs
of a good percentage of users.

Popularity is something subjective, you know. Many users will be
skipping from MS Explorer and MS Office to Ubuntu, why not Epiphany and
the GNOME Office family can't make them happier. The user wanting more
(more extensions, more office complexity) they will be able to switch
easily to the bigger applications. Those being guided by popularity
rates can switch either easily, no problem.

It would be good at least to offer these tools in the default Ubuntu
installation. Maybe a factor is the limitation of disk space. A
possibility could be to have a CD devoted for desktop only, assuming
that server distro users are statistically a minority and generally very
keen on downloading an own iso that builds a great server - only.

Quim Gil - http://desdeamericaconamor.org
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