outdated nvidia drivers in the repository are a serious problem

HC Brugmans hcbrugmans at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 01:31:27 GMT 2006

João Pinto wrote:
> I understand the concerns about the platform stability but according to 
> that policy Ubuntu is hypothetically unsupported for all the hardware 
> that gets available after the current ubuntu release and for which a 
> kernel driver update maybe required.

The point here is "are we willing to risk stability for users that trust 
us to provide a stable / certifiable platform, in order to support new 

I would have to awnser that with a solid no personally.

The vast majority of users will use supported hardware, for those that 
don't, we can provide documentation on how to get their systems to work, 
but we shouldn't risk upsetting existing users for this.

If we started updating a stable release, we would lose the stability and 
our platform would become a moving target. That would make it very hard 
if not impossible to maintain credibility with users and businesses.

-Hidde Brugmans

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