ubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 17, Issue 8

John Nilsson john at milsson.nu
Tue Jan 3 14:14:49 GMT 2006

On Tue, 2006-01-03 at 01:15 +0100, Loïc Martin wrote:
> That sounds like a reasonable idea, but do keep in mind that most people 
> have mp3 only portable music players. Even if they can listen to it on 
> their computer, they might want to listen to it on the device they paid 
> money for too.
> (I ran into this problem cause even though I only use ogg and only buy 
> ogg players, I'm also creating audio lessons for my students so they can 
> listen to it when they do other stuff... which forces me to also create 
> them in mp3 format)
> Loïc

That's nice and all of you, but seriously: If your students _needs_ to
listen to your lessons with their mp3 only player they can use their own
software to convert your flac/vorbis files or invest in some real
hardware. Either they are cheap or lazy, in which case it isn't your job
to help them, or they are ignorant, which you can change.

Those few having a free software system and a mp3-only player is just
plain stupid, which should be punished anyway. ;-)

I can not see why anyone _must_ support a proprietary format when anyone
can download support for free formats...


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