Gnome Screensaver issues?

Mattias Eriksson snaggen at
Tue Feb 21 08:31:45 GMT 2006

tis 2006-02-21 klockan 08:03 +0000 skrev Chris Jones:
> Hi
> Miles Lane wrote:
> >> On Mon, 2006-02-20 at 21:00 -0600, Diamond Software wrote:
> >>> the UI freeze (as suggested). In a nutshell, many screensavers
> >>> require options to be configured and the Gnome Screensaver has no way
> None of them *require* configuration, some of them just don't make so 
> much sense without it, which is more of an argument to remove/hide them 
> than throw the whole thing out, I would suggest.

Wrong.. the slideshow really requires a configuration option to specify
the directory containing the pictures, it is just not possible in
gnome-screensavers today. The upstream solution is to force the user to
have the pictures in the folder "~/Pictures" which makes absolutely no
sense for non-english users (I you don't think it is a major issue, I
suggest you rename the picure folders to the swedish word "Bilder" just
for the fun of it).


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