Python stuff

Ivan Krstic krstic at
Tue Feb 21 05:03:36 GMT 2006

John Richard Moser wrote:
> A decision made by children who used to work for Microsoft and think
> that doing simple things like sliding their products in under the rug
> will gain them attention.

I will not engage in discussion with you until you relax and leave ad
hominems -- incorrect and uninformed ones, at that -- out of your argument.

> Prove that python development garbage is used by the greatest common
> factor on desktop machines.  Until then your argument is fluff.

My response was not an argument, but a statement of fact. Please see
malone bug #12395 for details, and feel free to follow up with the bug

Ivan Krstic <krstic at> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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