Outmoding CDs (LiveCD)

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at canonical.com
Mon Feb 20 13:56:49 GMT 2006

* John Richard Moser 

| The basic installation would be as follows:
|  - Warn user that the selected USB drive will be -erased-
|  - Allot one partition the size of the SquashFS image

Not needed, the squashfs can be on a VFAT partition.

|  - Allot 50-100 MB for /boot

Not needed.

|  - Allow the user to adjust the remainder between shared and the overlay

I don't know what you mean by «shared» here?

|  - Partition the drive accordingly

Not needed.

|  - Format file systems

aka «make a file, named casper-rw on the vfat volume, make it a decent
size, run mkfs on it»

|  - Copy the SquashFS image onto the drive


|  - Create an initrd

The standard casper initrd can be used.

|  - Install kernels to /boot

The standard kernel from the live cd can be used.

|  - Install grub or syslinux to the USB drive


A tool to automate this procedure would be really nice, but I guess it
won't be ready until dapper+1.

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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