Dapper installation notes/Stuff that needs fixing

Santiago Roza santiago.roza at thymbra.com
Wed Feb 15 15:54:29 GMT 2006

On 2/15/06, Marco Cabizza <mc at newglobal.it> wrote:

> I don't think this is actually true.

well it is.  you can't just take other software's copyrighted dlls,
redistribute them your own way, and expect that to be legal.

we were talking about patented stuff, not w32codecs which are
completely out of the question.

> Microsoft distributes its codecs
> for free

the fact that they don't charge money if you want to download them
doesn't mean you're authorized to repackage them and redistribute them
the way you want.  that's illegal everywhere period.

> and I guess that if that were illegal EVERYWHERE mplayer-hq
> wouldn't ship it.

it's just that there are countries that don't really enforce copyright
laws.  that doesn't make it any less illegal.

Santiago Roza
Departamento I+D - Thymbra
santiago.roza at thymbra.com

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