Synaptic without broadband Internet

Wouter Stomp wouterstomp at
Mon Feb 13 20:28:28 GMT 2006

On 2/13/06, Jan Claeys <lists at> wrote:

> On my "dapper" system synaptic has 2 options in the File menu:
> - Generate package download script
> - Install downloaded packages
> >From the changelog, this seems to be added since version 0.57.7.
> Sounds like that's what you're looking after?  :-)

Not very useful if he is running windows at work, which is more likely
than linux. It would be nice to have a server based solution for this:
You select the program you want, select which distribution tou have
(ubuntu, kubuntu, version etc.) and it gives you a list of files or
preferably one file containing all files to download which can then
later be easily installed on ubuntu. This will sometimes lead to some
extra downloading of packages that you might already have installed,
but would be by far the easiest to use.


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