use qalculate instead of gcalctool

MadMan2k madman2k at
Mon Feb 13 11:48:12 GMT 2006

yes I _am_ serious about that.
I think qalculate has a much more intuitive interface than gcalctool.
gcalctool tries to simulate a physical table calculator offering a 
virtual keyboard, but this is fundamentally wrong since the user already 
has a physical keyboard.
Furthermore gcalctool makes the mistake of forcing the use of its 
virtual keyboard - you cant simply edit the input field.

Qalculate might seem overloaded at the first sight, but I'd rather call 
it complete.
Since gcalctool also offers advanced calculations, but you will loose 
your result on switching the mode and get your screen filled up by 
dozens of equal sized(i.e. no preference) buttons.

I already filed bugs on gcalctool about that, but I was told it would be 
  better to simplify qalculate than enhancing gcalctool.


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