Speeding up boot

Lakin Wecker lakin.wecker at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 16:48:34 GMT 2006

You would be interested in this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootCharting


On 2/4/06, Joao Inacio <jcinacio at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> i hve been doing many tests to see how i could optimise my boot times,
> and i must say the results are not bad at all! [1]
> what i would like to know, (if someone can take the time explining it
> to me) is what are the reasons, if any, this can't be done by default.
> My steps are simple:
> 1) Disable services i am sure i wont use, like:
> laptop- laptop-mode, apmd, pcmcia...
> printing - hplip, cupsys...
> bluetooth
> raid - mdadm
> 2) Start many of the services asynchronously. i know i am probably
> stretching the line in some services, but it boots just fine.
> on the other hand, some of these are begging to be run in async mode:
> one such example is hwclock that takes over 2 seconds to sett the
> clock
> Following these steps, and with included startup for restricted
> modules (nvidia driver) i got my boot down to 18 seconds, wich is
> about 1/2 of the original time.
> Also Interesting to note is that detecting my single sata disk and
> cdrom seems to take almost 5 seconds of that time.
> --
> João Inácio
> jcinacio at gmail.com
> --
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