BCM43xx support?

scott_ubuntu at scott.tranzoa.net scott_ubuntu at scott.tranzoa.net
Thu Feb 2 23:48:13 GMT 2006

What are the plans for BCM43xx support in dapper?

A driver is provided in the mainline dapper kernel. However, it's
severely out of date. As demonstrated on Ubuntu Forums[1] and the
Wiki[2], ugly workarounds are required even for the occasional success.

The driver itself has continued development[3], and has made rapid
progress. Personally, I have been having great success keep parity with
the official[3] SVN head[4]. I don't think that solution would fit for a
release plan, though...

Might I recommend removing the bcm43xx driver from the dapper kernel?
In short, the driver is still very immature and the mature ndiswrapper
support for the device continues to exist. Both solutions require
non-free firmware/drivers to use.


[1] http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114922
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiBroadcomDriver
[3] http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/
[4] http://svn.berlios.de/wsvn/bcm43xx

http://quadhome.com/            - Personal webpage
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