Accessible Live CD update (gfxboot)

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Thu Feb 2 11:31:14 GMT 2006

Hi all,

Just got back from the Distro sprint in London, where Colin and I had 
some very productive chats about making the boot process accessible. And 
a few hours later he had the basic framework in place. ROCK!

So, basically when you boot the live CD there are some function-key 
options at the bottom of the screen:

The F4 option has now been linked to Accessibility (more options is F5). 
When pressed you get a pop-up menu with 7 options, corresponding to the 
6 categories listed here: plus 'Enable everything'

You navigate with the keyboard or press a number key (1-7) to activate 
an option, which will enable a set of pre-defined assistive 
technologies. The feature should hit the testing CDs next week, 
including Flight 4.

One issue we encountered was that the Festival libs are rather huge, at 
40MB, and so we decided to opt for Festival-light instead (at 8MB) for 
the live CD. After installing the system it would be possible to upgrade 
to Festival. We need to document this, or ideally make it very easy. 
Could we get Ubuntu Express to pull it down from the net for users who 
are using the Live CD with F-light? For those who have used Festival and 
Festival-light: what are the main differences? Is it just the quality of 
the voice?

We still need to put in some work to make sure we select sensible config 
options for each of those categories and of course test the AT tools 
currently in Dapper to make sure they are well behaved.

- Henrik

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