extended partition not covering entire hard disk

Tollef Fog Heen tfheen at err.no
Tue Aug 29 10:00:49 BST 2006

David Balazic skrev:

>> From: Phillip Susi [mailto:psusi at cfl.rr.com] 

>> I believe that fdisk and (g/qt)parted have no problem adding more 
>> logical volumes using the remaining free space on the disk.  
> No, linux fdisk can not do this.

cfdisk has no problem with it, though.  Fdisk is a little more fiddly 
since you have to delete the extended partition, then recreate it with 
the same start point (and a bigger size)

> Again, what is the current behavior good for ?
> Nobody seems to be able to tell that...

The current behaviour makes it possible to add a new primary partition 
after an extended partition.

- tfheen

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