ubuntu-desktop's dependency on gnome-orca

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Sat Aug 26 10:50:40 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

* Alex Jones:
> Hi List!
> I noticed today that gnome-orca was included as a dependency of
> ubuntu-desktop, and I think this is a bad thing.

I was thinking about this yesterday too. I think this is a tradeoff
between two considerations:

If there were an ubuntu-a11y metapackage which is included in the liveCD
system and desktop install *if* the user selects the accessibility
option on boot, this has the disadvantage that some users might not be
able to select that option in the first place, and miss out on the
accessibility tools.

On the other hand it has the advantage that users who don't wish to have
accessibility tools on their desktop can still participate in safe and
reliable upgrades because they don't need to remove the ubuntu-desktop

In general, I think Ubuntu should always lean to being *inclusive* of
accessibility tools, because the advantages they provide for some users
far outweigh the disadvantages for other users (i.e. at the most, you
end up with some apps you don't use in the menu, and that is hardly a
problem). However, I suppose that if some empirical evidence showed that
*lots* of users wish to remove the tools, whereas most people who
require accessibility tools are able to select the option on boot, that
might support a different decision. I personally have no idea how big
those two groups are.

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