Eyecandy and usability

Andreas Lloyd lloydinho at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 17:35:05 BST 2006

Hi Stanley,

Stanley Debono wrote:
> I am new to Ubuntu but would like to make a few suggestions for
> developers, till I catch up and hopefully be able to hack my way
> through the code on my own.

Welcome! I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with hacking Ubuntu. Generally
it is a good idea to file suggestions as wishlist bugs to the proper
package in Launchpad. If you have little experience with Launchpad, it
can be a bit daunting at first, but there are few pointers here:


and the full story here: https://help.launchpad.net/BugTrackingHighlights
> The Theme and background selection tools in the GUI should be more
> closely linked.  Right clicking on desktop should give access to a
> dialog enabling users to set up background/theme/screensaver.  I know
> it is similar to windows but it seems logical to me.  The Logon theme
> should be kept seperate. 
> More important maybe, is that you select themes by clicking radio
> buttons whereas background images are selected by clicking directly
> one them?  The way these work should be similar. 
> When will there (or is there?) be the possibility of altering themes,
> such as changing titlebar colour etc?

It is worth noting that both of these issues are also general issues
with GNOME, and you probably do well to raise them with the GNOME
developers. You can save yourself some paperwork if you report the bug
directly in the GNOME and let the changes filter back down into Ubuntu.
The GNOME bugzilla is here: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/

Note that you'll have to register for both bug trackers, but that it is
easy and unintrusive.




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