Serious bug ... xserver-xorg-core update kills X

Morgan Collett morgan.collett at
Wed Aug 23 09:02:24 BST 2006

On 8/23/06, Charl Fourie <charlfo at> wrote:
>  My only suggestion would be for it to be automated (the way the update
> manager currently works.)  While I would love to be involved in
> using/testing such early releases, I am predominantly using Ubuntu within a
> work environment where time and mental resources are limited.  If it is a
> manual job to find and install these early releases, I would probably end up
> not doing it.  My point is that the more automated and easy it is for the
> community to participate continually, the more people will.   My gut feel is
> (note that I am not an expert in Ubuntu/Linux) that the mechanism for doing
> this is already in place (Update Manager), and the easiest would be to
> simply make use of it rather then trying to re-invent the wheel.  Wouldn't
> it be possible to simply create a 'pre-release' repository?  Those who want
> to participate can then simply register to that repository.  Excuse my
> ignorance if any.

Automated yes - an apt source that triggers the update mechanism.
However for testing to be effective, there needs to be some
communication of what other actions are needed - for example perhaps a
reboot must be tested to make sure potential problems are triggered.

I have two machines, one of which is never rebooted (unless the power
goes down) and the other is shut down on a daily basis. Problems which
are only triggered at boot time would never be detected on my
always-up machine.


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