Optimized kernel builds: the straight dope

Scott White scott.w.white at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 03:50:38 BST 2006

Having looked at the number it looks very compelling.  The basis is
basically we need already have  a good generic 32-bit & 64-bit kernel.  The
specific kernels have tradeoffs likely because of the tradeoff between
optimizations & testing/bug fixing done with those kernels & supporting

Regardless this makes sense to me and I'm in favor of it.  Having run Ubuntu
on several different architectures, Intel 686, Intel SMP + AMD64, I can't
say I've seen any obvious difference.  My only question is that it doesn't
seem that benchmarks were done in applications that wouldn't leverage many
instructions opened up in recent architectures or applications (such as
multimedia) or that are SMP driven such as MySql or high-end graphics work
(even games).

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