Most offensive thing I've seen all day

Bonilla, Alejandro alejandro.bonilla at
Thu Aug 3 22:27:16 BST 2006

On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 17:15 -0400, Patrick McFarland wrote:
> On Thursday 03 August 2006 16:58, Mark Reitblatt wrote:
> > On 8/3/06, Patrick McFarland <diablod3 at> wrote:
> > >
> >
> > What exactly is so offensive about a group tailoring an open source project
> > to provide the programs they want? Am I missing something here? At any
> > rate, I highly doubt this belongs on the Ubuntu-Devel list.
> Its a religious group, Mark. If you're a Christian, I can see how you don't 
> find this offensive.

I actually find it more offensive to the fact that you are complaining
about it. If Anyone wants to make a Distro based on his Religion and
instead of the Penguin, having a picture of Jesus on boot, then what's
wrong with that? If they would allow a Christian Ubuntu but not a Jewish
Ubuntu, (or the other way around) -then- it would be offensive.

> And if it doesnt belong on the Ubuntu-Devel list, then it belongs on the 
> Ubuntu-Legal list. I cannot see how Ubuntu would allow such use of the name 
> to, basically, promote a religion. This goes entirely against what Ubuntu is 
> for.

I don't really see how this is promoting a religion. Actually it
promotes Ubuntu because people with religions could find it attractive
and use more Linux. I think is the other way around.

There are too many points of view. For example, the Latter day Saints,
they would not allow a guy to smoke while building their temple. If
people see that this Ubuntu was done similarly, maybe then can call more
the attention, -not to the religion- but into Linux.

I don't see anything wrong here, they are just a group and it would be
like making a Soccer Ubuntu and a American football Ubuntu.And where's
the point of criticizing something that you might not even use?




> -- 
> Patrick McFarland ||

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