Menu order in Spanish (and others?)

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Tue Sep 27 11:57:50 CDT 2005

<quote who="Michael Moore">

> Just for kicks I installed Ubuntu in Spanish this time, and I noticed that
> the Gnome menus end up in a different order. Turns out theyŕe sorted
> alphabetically, which is probably what makes the most sense.
> The only thing I worry about is that having the system tools at the bottom
> of the list (in English) is nice as it makes a sort of separation for
> users between normal use programs and admin programs.  In Spanish, the
> system tools end up right in the middle of the menu.
> Should this be changed?

Hopefully we can expel the System Tools menu for Dapper, so this will be
"less" of a problem. ;-)

- Jeff

GNOME Summit: October 8th-10th    
           What do you get when you cross a web server and a hen?

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