Menu order in Spanish (and others?)

Quim Gil qgil at
Tue Sep 27 05:49:57 CDT 2005

En/na Vincent Untz ha escrit:

> Note that alphabetical order makes some sense since it's intuitive and
> the user knows where to search for an item. Such a change should probably
> be tried to see if it feels right before making it definitive.

I agree alphabetical sort is the most reasonable by default and it does
the trick. But it is improvable. I agree that before changing anything
we shold come up with an alternative satisfying structure.

I'll see if I can come up with a proposal. I'm writing some stuff to
explain GNOME to total newbies and anyway I need to structure all these
microtools' explanations in a way they understand and find sensible.

> But "System tools" should be killed. Most items there should probably
> be elsewhere (accessories, for example).


> Well, the menu layout is a difficult point. You can discuss it on

Since Ubuntu has started patching the menus I'll try to keep discussing
here because if the argument aren't convincing to Ubuntu they won't be
to GNOME either.  :)

> Hope that helps,
Absolutely, thanks.

Quim Gil |
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