After upgrading to breezy-XOrg keyboard is semi-dead.

Danilo Šegan danilo at
Sun Sep 25 08:39:22 CDT 2005

Hi Pasi,

Today at 12:59, Pasi Savolainen wrote:

> FWIW, updating Xorg to -69 and xkeyboard-config to 0.6-3 didn't help.
> (everything else is at least breezy latest+greatest)
> I don't know if this is of any importance, but dpkg complained about
> /etc/X11/xkb/symbols/pc being non-plain/non-symlink conffile (it's a
> directory), twice.

This happened for me as well when I dist-upgraded.  I removed that
directory, and reinstalled xkeyboard-config package (it provides "pc"

I thought it stuck around because I had some modifications in there (I
work myself on xkeyboard-config, so I knew what's going on :), but
maybe it's a general packaging problem.

Just a reminder: old, XFree86-style xkbcomp since 4.3.0 includes a
"pc" directory which contains "multi-layout" combining layouts.
xkeyboard-config only has such layouts (no multi-group layouts
anymore), so that's where the "pc" directory comes from.  File "pc"
contains PC keyboard specific stuff in xkeyboard-config.

> Installing Xorg from debian/experimental made
> everything (including scandics) work again.

It's probably not using xkeyboard-config.  Official "modular" X.Org
tree is planned to switch to xkeyboard-config only with 7.0 or
something like that (I don't know exactly).

There is probably some issue with packaging (some packages should
conflict between themselves), but I don't know enough about it to be
able to help.  I don't even know if deb is able to support
directory -> file transition between two packages (with all the
problems that may arise).


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