BreezyReleaseNotes Wiki page

Lukas Sabota punkrockguy318 at
Sat Sep 24 23:39:16 CDT 2005

Jerome Gotangco wrote:

>Hi all,
>The Ubuntu Documentation Project has started drafting the release
>notes for Breezy. There is a wiki page available for collaboration at:
>Most of the text were lifted from mdz's annoucement of the Breezy
>Preview Release. We invite everyone involved in development to take a
>look at the page and contribute to its contents. Most important are
>the "Known Issues" and "Frequently Asked Questions" section. Target
>for the completion of the Release Notes is a week before release and
>moved to DocBook.
>Thanks in advance!
>Jerome Gotangco
>jgotangco at | jgotangco at
>GPG: 0xA97B69A0
Should the codename Breezy Badger be used in the public release notes?  
Wasn't it decided to use the official name "Ubuntu 5.10" instead of the 
developer codename for things like this?

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