Search Reports in Malone

Trent Lloyd lathiat at
Tue Sep 20 23:55:19 CDT 2005

On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 02:10:22PM +0300, Bjorn Tillenius wrote:
> Hi all,
> for those of you who don't know who I am, I'm a Launchpad developer,
> and work mainly on Malone. As you might know, you will start to track
> bugs in Malone instead of Bugzilla in a while, and we're working hard
> on making the transition as smooth as possible.
> At the moment I'm working on making the bug reports more usable for
> you. Currently Malone has an advanced search facility, but it's kind of
> crappy, so it was decided that it will be removed (temporarily), and
> instead we'll provide a number of pre-defined search reports for you.
> We'll start with providing some, and if you later notice that you're
> missing some, we'll add them later. But I'd like to get the initial set
> of reports as usable as possible, so now I'm asking you, what type of
> search reports do you usually use in Bugzilla? Also it'd be nice if you
> could explain how you use them, to give a clearer picture of how things
> should work in general.
> Matt already provided me with the following list:
> """
>     At a minimum, I'd say:
>     - All bugs assigned to a particular person, able to sort by date,
>       severity, package, etc. ("my todo list")
>     - All unassigned bugs, similar sort options ("incoming bugs which
>       need triage")
>     - All bugs associated with a particular source package
>     - All bugs in a distribution release >= a particular severity
>       ("how buggy is the release", "release-critical bugs", etc.)
>     - All bugs with a particular keyword or tag (does Malone have
>       those?) ("all security bugs", "all installer bugs", etc.)
> """

 - All bugs assigned to me _or a team I am in_ (then sort)
 - All bugs with attached files (patches?)
 - Search by subject/contents as searching by product isn't always
 - In your current list of assigned bugs, you should have a section with
	CLOSED/FIXED/REJECTED (and whether you ahve
	assigned,commented,subscribed of this id ont knwo)

> Regarding the last point, I can tell you that Malone doesn't have
> keywords or tags today. The closest thing to that today is a milestone,
> which is meant more to mark bugs to be fixed until a certain date or so.

These would be nice, but we have to be careful not to overuse them, e.g.
a 'patch' keyword is silly and having file uploads marked as 'patches'
and searching on that basis is better.

However 'installer' or 'live' are good tags IMHO, so would be 'laptop'


> Thanks,
> Bjorn
> -- 
> ubuntu-devel mailing list
> ubuntu-devel at

Trent Lloyd <lathiat at> Networking Inc.

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