Colony 4 report

Nils elitepenguin at
Tue Sep 20 16:20:50 CDT 2005

On 9/20/05, Matt Zimmerman <mdz at> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 19, 2005 at 03:51:17PM +0200, Nils wrote:
> > I installed ubuntu colony 4 on a compaq nx 7010 about a week ago and I
> > must say im pretty impressed by this distro: Hardware recognition
> > worked perfect and everything just worked as expected. Even stuff like
> > multimedia keys, Synaptics touchpad, wireless lan, etc. I also use
> > fuse to mount some ssh server, which i just installed by installing
> > the package fuse-module, fuse-utils and sshfs. I used debian before
> > and always had to compile the kernel myself..
> Colony 4 was superseded by the preview; see

thx I haven't read this
> > - Suspend to disk worked, then only thing i had to do is append
> > "resume=/dev/hda3" to my kernel options in grub (hda3 is my swap
> > partition). However after resuming again i was not able to mount my
> > firewire hd i saw no reaction in dmesg after turning it on, there was
> > also no /dev/sdXX file created.
> You shouldn't need the resume= option.  Did you try it first without that?

I tried now and it does not. I don't understand why it's supposed to
work w/o this, cos where should the kernel know that it can resume
from the swap partition.

> > - There are 2 kernel packages for 2.6: linux-image-2.6.12-8-386 and
> > linux-image-2.6.12-8-686. ~386 was installed by default. I tried ~686,
> > but i got a kernel panic. In the package description is written:
> > PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV, however I have a Pentium-M. Is this the
> > reason why it didn't work?
> There are five kernel flavours available for the i386 architecture.
> Both -386 and -686 should work fine on systems with Pentium M processors.

ok i'll try these later..

> --
>  - mdz
> --
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