Search Reports in Malone

Bjorn Tillenius bjorn at
Tue Sep 20 07:22:31 CDT 2005

On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 02:45:03PM +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> > I would like a 'Bugs I reported or commented on'
> > Wouter.

>From your Launchpad person's page, it's possible to see "Bugs I
reported". There's not yet a "Bugs I commented on", but it's a good
suggestions, I'll note it down.

> Me too, and I also would like this search to be able to report my CLOSED
> bugs. Currently to dig out a closed report that needs reopening, it's
> not straight forward. Well unless I missed some link/button somewhere ?

When you say "my closed", do you mean bugs you reported, that are now



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