I'm a newcomer

Marco Cabizza mc at newglobal.it
Tue Sep 20 07:03:43 CDT 2005

On mar, 2005-09-20 at 20:08 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Patrik Rundberg">
> > Ah, a little misunderstanding there. :)
> > Is there a run time for .net in UNIX?
> Yes, that's Mono, but you can't expect to run Windows .NET programs on Mono
> without changes.

I would add therefore that the core functionality is 100%
cross-platform: threading, sockets, file manipulation and such, then
there is the wicked System.Windows.Forms namespace which is
Windows-specific but it *might* be cross-platform AFAIK. Of course if
you talk about handling the start menu or the whole bar, or whatever may
be Windows-specific, then Mono can even be 100% cross-platform, but
maybe the app isn't, as Jeff said :)


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