Colony 4 report
Jeff Waugh
jeff.waugh at
Mon Sep 19 09:01:00 CDT 2005
<quote who="Nils">
> - Rhythmbox does not support mp3s by default, why is this I tought patent
> probems with mp3s would only affect enconding them. However mp3 seems to
> work fine on beep-media-player and xmms by default.
No, unfortunately we are unable to ship this. There are good pages on our
wiki about getting MP3 support post-install, though.
> - I noted that u can install beagle and best on the gnome desktop, but
> it's not by default. Will ubuntu use beagle as the default search tool in
> the future?
Not for the 5.10 release, but hopefully they'll be up to scratch for 6.04.
- Jeff
EuroOSCON: October 17th-20th
"Instead you're doing circle jerks with the Care Bears of Censorship."
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