VoIP client

Stephan Hermann sh at sourcecode.de
Sun Sep 18 03:31:26 CDT 2005

Hi Udo,

Am Samstag, den 17.09.2005, 21:24 +0200 schrieb Udo Puetz:
> Hi List. This is my first post so be gentle :)
> I've lurked on the list for some time and saw the discussion about adding
> shtoom as a voip client to ubuntu. I tried it then (snapshots) and they
> didn't work.

It works ;) But it's not mature enough to be used by endusers, there is
a lot of work to do...advantage of shtoom is: it's written in python, so
you can easily change some source :)

> Just now I've been looking over some voip clients (list of found clients here
> http://vobcopy.org/cgi-bin/blosxom/2005/09/17#liste-softphones) and found 
> http://www.minisip.org/ which seems really nice, is licensed under the
> gpl and - as a big plus - offers encryption of the audio stream. I've seen
> numerous reports lately that with voip taking off now a thought should be
> spend on the security of the transmission. So, if you want to add a voice
> over IP client to ubuntu (which I would really welcome) why not do it the 
> right way from the start? 

I just had a look on minisip. I think next week I will test it and
prepare some packages.

Let's see how it works..nevertheless, I don't think encryption is a
standard now for SIP.



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