Beating MS ( was: The name of Breezy+1)
Jimmie Houchin
jhouchin at
Sat Sep 17 18:23:26 CDT 2005
RawMustard wrote:
> You will never topple microsoft or vista until more software houses and
> even manufacturers of other computer operated goods start porting to
> linux. In the manufacturing sector alone here in the great land down
> under, linux hasn't even been heard of and all software for design,
> controlling CNC equipment, programming PLC's, to CAD/CAM is all windows
> based. Most probably most will not move to vista, a lot are still on
> win98, but they could never move to linux, because that would mean
> giving up their businesses, there is just no alternative and there
> won't be for probably 20 years, if ever in my life time :(
> Still, the best shot linux/Ubuntu have at taking back some of MS's
> dominance is at home users, but it needs a hell of a lot more polish
> yet to convince XP users to move over - from my experience that is. I
> mean a simple task like CD burning is still a huge chore on linux/Gnome
> compared to windows. That and driver installation.
> Now having said all that, Ubuntu linux is the first linux I've kept and
> regularly use on my computer and I've tried all the others let me tell
> you. It is also the first linux I've known to get die hard windows
> users to take a second look at, so you must be doing something right :)
> freedom is the key and consistency, by supporting the next version of
> Ubuntu for so many years is the best news I've heard in a long time,
> this can only be a great thing for Ubuntu.
> All the best and I'll be in there fighting for you in any way I can!
There are really two basic and simple things which got Windows where it
is and keeps it there. They are also the two things which will help over
time bring it down.
Home users are wanted and necessary. But home users are generally
clueless cattle.
I can't count how many people I've helped with computer problems who
don't know what Windows is, that Windows exists or even what an
operating system is. Clueless, utterly clueless. And they exists in droves.
People at home generally and over time used what they used at home
because of two dominating factors in their lives. When those change,
Windows goes out the ... :)
1. Work or School. Many peoples first and dominant exposure to computers
is work or school. Windows made great inroads into work and schools.
People went with the only thing they knew.
2. Gurus. Most people cant do squat on their computer without having a
guru, tech support by friend, to help them with issues and problems they
As businesses move toward Linux on their desktops and workstations for
the very capable tools we have for Word Processing, Spread Sheets, Web
Browsing and Email.
Businesses don't cater to gamers, gaming systems. They are profit
motivated. When Linux does most all they need and at a better TCO.
They'll begin a migration. I think it already has.
As the most competent segment of computer users gets tired of the
Windows crap, they'll of their own volition will switch. After all they
are competent and are tied down to the requirements of business, or
limited significantly by skill or knowledge.
When people are using Linux at work and school. When their friends whom
they rely on for tech support use Linux. They, the home user, too will
switch. They have to, they can't support themselves.
Greatly over simplified, I know. But I do believe it accurately sums up
the situation for each segment.
Microsoft can't buy, undersell, or use any of its previous unethical,
anti-business practices against Linux. Yay!
In order for them to maintain dominance they will have to have some
means of keeping businesses and schools. They'll have to pursuade the
gurus. Since it can't be price, even though they do spread plenty of TCO
FUD, it will have to be quality, ease of use, innovation. Since I think
MS is clueless on all the above accounts, Linux has hope. But it will
take some time. How long? Who knows? But I am reasonably confident that
it will happen.
The software will come. Software vendors are out to make money. They go
to where the people are. As the migration occurs, there will be ever
increasing incentive to develop or port software to the *nixes.
I look forward to the Dapper Drake taking the battle to them. :)
Enough rant for now. :)
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