Bitstream Vera Sans unhinted?

Danilo Šegan danilo at
Sat Sep 17 09:19:13 CDT 2005

On September 12th, Evandro Fernandes Giovanini wrote:

> Here are two screenshots to show the difference:
> ubuntu default
> modified

The first one is probably using subpixel-rendering, since it looks
much, much better on my laptop.

Do you, by any chance, use subpixel-rendering on CRT?

FWIW, the second one looks a lot more like your original screenshot,
so you've probably mistaken the two, and you maybe even agree the
first one looks better :)

> I think the second one looks _much_ better and should be the default,
> unless there are patent issues involved.

The default should probably depend on your screen type.


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