creating packages for LiveSupport

Paul Sladen ubuntu at
Fri Sep 16 06:38:37 CDT 2005

On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Ákos Maróy wrote:

Hello Akos,

Sounds like you have an interesting problem...  :)

> The issue is, that in the LiveSupport project, we're using some
> libraries that we had to patch to make them work for us. Some patches
> are pending to be migrated to their appropriate main source trees, some
> where rejected outright.

Do you have link to the patches and/or Bugzilla (or similar) messages
talking about the rejections and why they were.

What would be very useful would be a handy overpage that can give a simple
overview of what LiveSupport does---I'm guessing that it is:

and also containing a rough list of dependencies on (eg. PHP, libmoo++),
which of those need patching and why (eg. bug vs. feature needed).  Each
could additionally contain a link to the patch and whether/why it was

Hopefully the above will other people to get a better grasp and be able to
make better suggestions can be made from that,

The summer is familiar here.  Edinburgh, GB

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